How to shave with an electric shaver

Choose the razor that suits you best.
Choose the razor that suits you best. Browse men’s forums or ask a beauty expert, such as a full-time shaving barber, to learn how facial hair grows and tips for correct contouring. Everyone’s hair grows at a different rate and texture varies, so it’s up to you to figure out which shaver features work best for you.

While most electric shavers use dry shaving, some newer shavers also support wet shaving. However, such new products are usually more expensive.

Shopping sites can help you find the right razor at the right price. Some shavers may be overpriced for some extra features that may not actually work for your hair type.

Wash your face.
Wash your face. A warm, hot shower or a warm towel can help soften the beard so it can be shaved more cleanly.

Wash your face with a mild cleanser to remove dirt from your face.

If you have sensitive skin, talk to a skin care professional to find out which cleanser is best for you.

If you don’t have time to shower, you can soak a towel in hot water. Run a hot towel over your beard or stubble for a few minutes.

Let your face adapt.
Let your face adapt. It usually takes about 2 weeks for the face to get used to the electric shaver. During this time, the oil from the shaver will mix with the sebum on the face, which may cause discomfort.

Use an alcohol-based preshave. Products that contain alcohol can remove dirt and natural oils (sebum) from the skin, allowing facial hair to stand up.

If your skin is sensitive to alcohol, you can also switch to a powdered preshave.

Most preshave products contain ingredients like vitamin E to ensure skin is protected and soothe irritation.

Products like preshave lotion and preshave oil can improve the shaving results of an electric shaver. [

Talk to a skin care professional to find out which products are best for your skin. Once you find a skin care regimen that works for you, you can stick with it in the future.

Determine the texture of your facial hair.
Determine the texture of your facial hair. Touch the hairy parts of the face with your fingers, and the direction that feels smooth is the “smooth texture” direction. Fingers feel resistance when touching in the opposite direction. This direction is the “inverse texture” direction.

Whether your facial hair is straight or curly, thick or thin, knowing where it grows can help you avoid irritating skin and beard inversions.

Identify the factors that are most important to your shave.
Identify the factors that are most important to your shave. Whether you want to save time, avoid hassle, or get a clean shave without irritating your skin, you can basically find the right product from rotary and foil electric shavers. Rotary shavers use a rotating motion to keep the razor closer to the skin.

Master the correct shaving technique.
Master the correct shaving technique. Know that each shaver is used differently, so try moving the shaver in every direction to find the shave that works best for you.

When using a rotary shaver, move the shaving heads in small circular motions across the face, but remember not to press down or shave the same area repeatedly to avoid irritating the skin.

Post time: Mar-03-2022