Mousetrap placement method

1: The place where the mouse trap should be placed is on the mouse track, the opening of the cage faces the mouse track, and the longitudinal axis of the cage is parallel to the mouse track to facilitate the entry of mice.

2: The mechanism controlling the cage door should be sensitive. Once the mouse enters the mouse trap and steps on the mechanism, the cage door can be closed immediately so that it cannot escape.

3: Bait-guiding method: While collecting the food at home, sprinkle bait into the cage from the ground at the mouth of the cage, build a road guided by bait, and lure the mouse so that it enters the cage and is caught unconsciously. What kind of bait is placed on the pedal, 

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and a small amount of the same bait is also placed on the ground in front of the cage door, so that the mouse cannot resist the temptation of the delicious bait, and is caught in the cage.

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4: If you want to catch the mouse first, use the trapping lock to lock the open cage door, so that the cage door cannot be closed temporarily, and the mouse will not be caught. Constantly supply fresh and delicious food inside and outside the mousetrap cage (commonly used baits include rice, melon seeds, peanuts, beans, sweet potato chips, dried fish fillets, fried sticks, fruit pieces, etc.) to lure young mice to take the bait. The first week when the mice start to eat the bait is designated as the trapping period (they are not allowed to eat). When the nearby mice lose their vigilance and the bait put on is eaten up quickly, they will suddenly use the mechanism to catch them by surprise, and there will be a high catch rate.

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Post time: Nov-18-2022