Tips for getting rid of rodents in spring

Tips for getting rid of rodents in spring

Rodents mainly transmit the following diseases

1. Plague: Yersinia pestis on rodents can be transmitted to humans through flea bites.

2. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever: The food and drinking water are contaminated by the urine and feces of the rodents, which can make people infected and sick, and the mites on the rodents can also bite humans, which can make people infected and sick.

3. Tsutsugamushi disease: Rickettsia tsutsugamushi is bitten by chigger mites in rodents, causing human infection.

4. Endemic typhus: The pathogen is also Rickettsia and is transmitted by tick bites.

In addition to spreading diseases, the harm of rats can also cause damage to the growing season of crops, resulting in agricultural losses. Worldwide, 5% of stored grain is lost due to rodent hazards. Rodents dig burrows on embankments to damage water conservancy facilities and even cause embankments to burst. The incisors of the rodents are 13 cm long in one year. In order to grind the teeth, the rodents bite the clothing, doors and windows, cables, etc., bite the insulating material or drill into the transformer, causing a short circuit. There is a saying that 1/4 of unexplained fires in cities are caused by rodents. Rodent bites cause damage to buildings and household items, and even bite humans. Some people with poor mobility, such as children, the sick, the disabled, and sleeping people, may be bitten by rodents.

Why spring rodent eradication

Rodents have two breeding peaks in spring and autumn every year. Generally, they start to breed in early spring, and form the first peak in late spring and early summer; in late summer and early autumn, there are a large number of females breeding, forming the second peak; in severe winter, the number of reproduction declines. Most of the individuals in the rat population will die naturally within 2-3 months. After the natural elimination of the rodents and before the breeding peak, the rodent eradication can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Killing one rat in spring is equivalent to killing one litter in summer. Rats, so we will carry out a centralized rodent control campaign in the spring.

How do we get rid of rodents

1. Mouse board glue mouse method

1) When using, put some food on the sticky mouse board to entice the mice to eat, and the capture effect is better.

2) When the temporary placement of rat glue in one place is ineffective to kill rodents, consider changing the position or use other methods to kill rodents.

3) If the rat density is high, several sticky rat boards can be used at the same time.

4) It is best not to use rat glue to kill rodents in a low temperature environment.

5) After sticking to the rat, try to remove the rat with tools and burn or bury it deeply.


1. Do not let children touch the sticky mouse board.

2. Do not place the sticky mouse board where other non-captured animals are easily accessible.

3. The sticky mouse board can be fixed on the ground or a larger piece of paper can be placed under it. In order to prevent the sticking and catching of the mouse, drag the mouse board to stain the ground or wall.

4. Protect from dust or direct sunlight.

5. If the sticky mouse board is stained with water, the water can be poured out and dried in a cool place without affecting the use.

2. Rat trap to kill rodents

The first thing to do is to store the food indoors, and insert the bait firmly when placing the mouse trap. If you hear a rattrap, deal with it immediately. After catching a mouse, remove the bloodstain and smell from the clip in time. Continuous mouse trapping, mouse traps should be changed frequently.


When using it, pay attention to safety and avoid hurting yourself.

Tips for getting rid of rodents in spring

3. Drugs to kill rodents

Drug rodent control is the most commonly used rodent control method at present. It can effectively kill rodents in a large range. It is the most convenient, economical and effective control method at this stage. However, in the family, considering safety issues, if there are children or pets at home, it is easy to be poisoned by accidental ingestion, it is recommended not to use this rodent control method as much as possible.

4. Raising a cat

If you keep cats at home, the whole house will run to catch mice. The effect of rodent control is very good. The mice smelled the smell of cats in the house, which also had a deterrent effect, and they did not dare to come into the house easily. Cats are lazy animals, if they get too full they don’t care, so if you want to catch mice, domestic cats can’t be too full. At the same time, cats are good at climbing, so it is necessary to prevent cats from stealing food.

5. Invite professionals to hunt mice

Rats are the first of the four evils, and they are extremely alert and cunning. If the above methods cannot solve the nuisance of rats, you must find a professional killing company in time to hunt and kill them by professional personnel, and truly achieve once and for all!

6. Warm reminder

Finally, everyone should put away food, remove kitchen waste, and cut off mouse food; remove sundries and eliminate mouse hiding places; seal doors and windows, and ask professional staff to seal up holes, and install mesh covers for sewers to prevent mice from entering the room.

Post time: Apr-15-2022