Ultrasonic bionic wave electromagnetic wave mouse repeller

Ultrasonic bionic wave electromagnetic wave mouse repeller is a common household mouse repeller, which utilizes different types of waves (ultrasonic, bionic and electromagnetic waves) to disturb and repel pests, especially mice. The following is some information about the ultrasonic bionic wave electromagnetic wave mouse repeller.

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First of all, the ultrasonic mouse repeller is to drive away mice by emitting high-frequency sound waves. These sound waves are usually above 20 kHz and are imperceptible to human hearing. The hearing range of rats is usually between 1 kHz and 90 kHz, so these high-frequency sound waves make rats feel uncomfortable and flee. However, some mice have adapted to the sound waves, so it may not be 100% effective.

Secondly, the bionic wave mouse repellent is a kind of sensory input such as acoustics, optics, temperature, humidity, smell, etc., and the composite wave generated after processing by artificial intelligence algorithm to interfere with the physiological and psychological functions of mice, so as to drive mice away. Purpose. Bionic wave mouse repellent is a new type of technology with high effect and reliability.

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Finally, the electromagnetic wave mouse repeller uses the interference of electromagnetic fields to drive away mice. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the electromagnetic wave rodent repeller can penetrate walls and other obstacles, allowing it to have a wider coverage. However, the effectiveness of electromagnetic wave mouse repellent varies depending on the structure of the house, electromagnetic interference and the type of mice.

Overall, the Ultrasonic Bionic Wave Electromagnetic Rat Repeller is a very useful technology that can effectively repel pests, especially mice. However, it is important to note that different types of repellers may have different effects on different types of mice. In addition, the use of these devices also needs to follow safe use guidelines to avoid harm to humans and pets.

Post time: Mar-07-2023